Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Last Month

…has been pretty quiet, which is why I haven't posted. It's not that nothing has happened. It's more like a nice series of brief adventures that I've collected enough of to set down.

Jay had his shoulder surgery and spent some time recuperating at Mom and Don's so I used that as an excuse for a "turn and burn," driving up for lunch and back the same day. We had a very scenic walk on the Stornetta Public Lands, which were officially named a National Monument the Tuesday after my visit.
I stopped by Manchester Cemetery on my way up, to visit Jim's ashes. The flowers seem to be growing vigorously.

I couldn't spend much time in Manchester was because our second conference of the year happened the following Monday in San Francisco, and it went well. I had another one of my evening events for women. It was a good sized group and they were all very enthusiastic, clapping and cheering all of the speakers, and that was great. There was a photo booth in the Exhibit Hall, so my friend Monique and I mugged for the camera.

M and I took a long wonderful motorcycle ride last weekend, heading up to Cazadero then King Ridge, then down along Sea View to Jenner and home along River Road. It was so steep and green and lovely. I don't think it will be green for much longer, given the drought. We're back to watering the outdoor succulents, roses, and peach trees with water caught in bowls and buckets in the sinks and shower.

On Monday, I did dinner and a movie with Felicia. I know that doesn't sound very adventurous, but I rarely see movies in the theater these days. I love having her in Santa Rosa.

This weekend, M and I spent 23 hours camping with Caitlin and Sean at Doran Beach in Bodega Bay. Despite the chill, lack of sleep (I didn't pack quite enough blankets, poor M's air mattress deflated on him at about 3am, Rex paced regularly, and waves that were so close they were more disruptive than soothing when it came to shut-eye), and being surrounded by other "campers" running their generators to watch TV while huddled in their Weekend Warriors, it's something we'd like to do again. Though I'm thinking that two nights is really the minimum stay for all the work that goes into packing and then unpacking. We had nice walks on the beach, pleasant hours contemplating the bay from the beach, an excellent beer tasting, good food, and a bonfire.

I will say that I'm also missing Grandma very much lately. I feel like my spring visit with her should be just around the corner. I had really cherished that routine which was also a small adventure to anticipate twice a year. The woman who leads the gym class I go to on Wednesday morning does not vary her music, which is bad enough--if it drives me crazy, how can she stand it?--but there's one song in the playlist by Mariah Carey about saying goodbye and it usually makes me tear up when it starts to play. It is good to remember Grandma, though, no matter how sad I feel.


At 8:07 AM, March 24, 2014, Blogger Brenda said...

Are you thinking of camping at the same beach again?


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