Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Paging Mr. Sandman

So I think I jinxed myself. I haven't been sleeping well here at the hotel for the last few nights. Maybe I watched too much "Extreme Plastic Surgery." (How is it that TV viewers in this nation can support this show on the same night that "The Swan" is on? These trips always confirm that cutting my cable was the right thing to do.)

I remember tossing and turning because M. mentioned during our regular evening call that our neighbors still haven't put up a shelter for their dog. They keep it permanently tied up in their backyard. Guess they figured that since they paid good money for a purebred chocolate lab, why pay it any attention? The dog didn't have shade during the summer, and now that the rains have come, his run has been turned into a mud pit with no dry place to hang out. I keep waiting for them to do the right thing. I don't want to start a "war" and lord knows I'm bad at confrontation. But their dog needs a dry spot. Do I make an anonymous call to the animal shelter? Offer to buy them a canopy? Offer to buy their dog? We had a hard time lounging on our new deck over the summer--the neighbor's dog barked loudly, pitifully, and constantly, begging for attention from his humans. Why do people like my neighbors even get dogs?

I also confess to wedding stress. I want my guests to be happy and comfortable. I'm afraid it will be hot, that the food won't be good, that'll they'll do too much work and not enjoy themselves. That they won't mingle. That I won't invite some people and they'll be offended. And mostly, that they won't have fun and will wonder why the

During my walk yesterday along the corporate canyons of Santa Clara, I worried about these nuptial details, but also found myself getting a little excited. And I felt a little silly about this. After all, this is my second trip to the altar, I'm middle-aged, too old to be thrilled by this sort of thing. And then I thought--why the hell not? Why shouldn't I let myself be swept up in this emotion--go ga-ga over dresses and decorations, get choked up writing my vows, smile happily to myself when I see a wedding party with seven bridesmaids in silver dresses posing for pix outside the hotel? Even sending off the signed contract to the reception venue yesterday gave me a little shiver. I (please god) won't ever have another wedding. A little giddy is good for me.


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