Friday, November 16, 2007

Bar Results Day

For those of you not intimately involved with the law school student industry, today is the day that the Bar Association releases the results of the exam administered back in July. M knows many people anticipating/dreading this day, particularly a good friend who has taken it three times. Which is a charm, right? Those who took the exam can access the results tonight, and they're opened to the general public on Sunday so the students can have a day to freak out or celebrate privately.

So about one year from today, please be sure to send all of your happy thoughts out this way, since M (um, and I) will be the ones screaming and crying, hopefully with joy and relief. (Don't worry, I'll remind you.)

UPDATE: M's friend passed!!


At 8:24 PM, November 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe it takes this long to get the results! Do they not use computers? Or is it all essay? Genuinely curious about this.


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