Sunday, February 03, 2008

Invalid Update

M's in the hospital for another day if all goes well, but Mom's coming down to bring him home, care for the furry creatures, and take me to the airport shuttle. So plans are all going along as scheduled and I should be in NY tomorrow barring weather or other dewingments. The only monkey wrench would be if his surgery gets scheduled before the 14th, in which case I'll be comin' home early. Thanks for all your good thoughts, happy birthday Kam, happy belated birthday Chiara, and go Pats!


At 2:47 PM, February 03, 2008, Blogger R. B. Patrascu said...

Crossing fingers that all goes well!

At 6:39 PM, February 03, 2008, Blogger Michelle said...

Hope Murray gets to feeling better, and that you had some tasty Jell-o during the game!

At 5:30 PM, February 05, 2008, Blogger Kamala! said...

So glad you're coming and that I will see you, but also concerned about M. Isn't it peculiar that the word invalid has two such different meanings?!


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